Detailed Analysis Policy Evaluation

Are You Covered?

Lýseis recommends periodic review of the policies within a client’s insurance program to ensure adequacy of coverage, identify uninsured risks and propose risk management strategies. This can be completed in concert with an insurance program audit or separately, particularly if there is a specific concern relating to coverage of a particular issue or to determine if insurance is in place or required for a newly identified or emerging risk. Insurance requirements change as institutional and business programs evolve which may dictate amendments to the existing insurance policies or the acquisition of new insurance policies to respond to specific exposures.

  • External review of policy terms and conditions
  • Independent assessment of adequacy of coverage and policy limits
  • Review specific to potential claims to determine coverage
  • Assessment of the policy coverage in respect of new business systems & processes
  • Unbiased recommendations

Lyseis Philosophies What We Believe


To assist our Clients in the achievement of their corporate goals and strategic initiatives through the provision of exceptional professional, independent and objective consulting services for insurance and risk management program audits, claims advocacy and conflict resolution.


To be highly respected and trusted for our knowledge, experience and expertise and to grow the foundation, strength and success of Lýseis across Canada.


Accountability, Advocacy, Collaboration, Commitment, Confidentiality, Excellence, Integrity, Passion, Privacy, Professionalism, Respect, Transparency, Trust


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