A path to Dispute Resolution

There Is Always A Solution

Conflict resolution and alternative dispute resolution services are also available through Lýseis. Trained through the Alberta Arbitration and Mediation Society, the Director of Lýseis has been involved in numerous mediations pertaining to construction claims and disputes as well as conducting mediation on employment issues. Lýseis’ approach is interest based, preserving relationships in an effort to bring the issue(s) to a win-win for the parties involved.

  • Preservation of relationships
  • Alternative to arbitration or litigation
  • Reduced financial and potential reputational impact
  • Mitigation of productivity loss/business interruption
  • More collaborative approach

Lyseis Philosophies What We Believe


To assist our Clients in the achievement of their corporate goals and strategic initiatives through the provision of exceptional professional, independent and objective consulting services for insurance and risk management program audits, claims advocacy and conflict resolution.


To be highly respected and trusted for our knowledge, experience and expertise and to grow the foundation, strength and success of Lýseis across Canada.


Accountability, Advocacy, Collaboration, Commitment, Confidentiality, Excellence, Integrity, Passion, Privacy, Professionalism, Respect, Transparency, Trust


Solutions Focused -Solutions Driven- Solutions Realized