Want To Know About Lyseis We Are A Risk Management Company

Lýseis Consulting Services Inc. provides independent, auxiliary risk management and insurance consulting to businesses requiring an objective review and audit of their internal systems, processes and programs. Risk Management is not only an essential tool in life but is critical to the growth and success of any business’s goals and objectives whether it be the public or private sector. Lýseis’ mandate is to provide a professional, independent and objective review of its client’s insurance and risk management portfolios, to identify voids and to present recommendations and potential solutions. Lýseis is unique, as it is independent of an insurer or insurance broker, maintaining impartiality as a vital part of its service model.

35+ Years Experience

Over thirty-five years’ expertise in insurance and risk management

Impartial Advise

Lyseis is independent and not owned by an insurer or insurance broker

Dedicated & Diligent

Assisting our clients in achieving "Due Diligence and Peace of Mind"

Requests & Inquiries

What we Do Our Services

We are Here to Help

Our firm’s mandate is to assist its Clients with an independent and objective review of their insurance and risk management programs, conducting gap analysis and presenting recommendations for potential solutions.


Financial Security

Adequate insurance is critical to any organization’s financial security. Do you have peace of mind?


Risk Management

“There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.” -John Fitzgerald Kennedy


Corporate Goals

A strong risk management culture and robust insurance program are essential to the successful achievement of an organization’s corporate goals.



Seminars and workshops provide excellent opportunities for organizations to grow their risk management culture enterprise wide.

The Importance Of Being Covered

Insurance is not risk management but it is a critical and important tool to the risk management response. What insurance coverage, limits and types of policies do you need if you do not know what your risks are? Do you routinely review your risk management process to ensure the adequacy of the coverage & limits of your insurance program?

Talk to Us

Au Courant Lýseis Communiqués


The Importance of Risk Management

August 21, 2016 Anne Baxter

How do we grow and maximize our opportunities if we do not accept and manage risk? Risk management is not simply an exercise in the avoidance and mitigation of events and activities that may have an adverse impact upon an entity's business operations.

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